You're not convinced?! Well, I'm sure there are some doubters out there, which is why I've compiled this (very scientific) list of reasons why you should prioritize your health in 2015. Hey, you probably knew this was coming... :-)
1) Because you're one year older: Yeah. I hate to say it, but it's true. We are all getting older, despite our best efforts :-) As I approach the Big 3-0 (yes, I realize that that is NOT old, but it's a new decade, and I am regretfully nervous about it), this fact becomes clearer and clearer. But instead of trying to run away from the inevitable, I am trying (really, really hard!) to lean into this reality and make the best of it. There's nothing like another year to remind you of how time flies by, so don't waste another minute!
2) Because gyms, health clubs and personal trainers are offering great New Year deals on memberships and training packages: I can't say for sure because I don't work in marketing, but I can't imagine deals being any sweeter than around New Years! Do your research and find out what gym or health club best meets your needs. If you're thinking about hiring a trainer, figure out if you want to work one-on-one or want the built-in motivation and camaraderie of semi-private training (not to mention a greater price point). Also figure out if you want to exercise in a gym setting or would prefer a trainer coming to work out with you at home. These days, there are even options to work out with virtual trainers. Figure out what plan best suits your lifestyle and will be easiest to stick with and go with that.
3) Because you've been thinking about it for a long time: Action steps! Do, don't think so much! I am certainly guilty of thinking so much about taking a particular action that I psych myself out of actually taking the action. This is a horrible trap that so many of us fall into. Don't let it be you! Trust me: there'll be plenty to think about once you've got #2 figured out. Plus, once you're in motion, it will be 1) easier to stay in motion; and 2) you'll constantly be observing, learning, and figuring out if the decision you made works or needs to be modified. Chances are you'll be more confident to make such a decision once you've already got some decisions notched on your belt :-)
4) Because now is as good a time as any: It's not going to be any easier tomorrow or three weeks from now or 5 years down the line. Good things may come to those who wait, but those folks aren't sitting, twiddling their thumbs; they're working hard for what they want, and simply understand that waiting is inevitable because changes don't happen overnight.
5) Because you want to set a good example: This is an important one. While I don't have any actual statistics on hand to illustrate this point, I'd wager that when asked what motivated them to change their lifestyle, those who've successfully done so say that they were motivated to "set a good example for [kids/spouse/parents/community/clients, etc]". IMO, the desire to set a good example must be coupled with a desire to change for oneself to be holistically successful. In other words, those desirous of a change must want to do it for themselves--and understand that such a desire is not selfish--as much or even more than they want to do for others. Otherwise, the change is often unsustainable. However, the desire to set a good example and be a role model for others can be a powerful motivational tool. Because it's something tangible, it can help you with visualization exercises, or imagining in your mind's eye how those for whom you want to set a good example will feel/think/look/act when they see the positive changes you've made in your life. It helps the actor see the effects of the lifestyle change reflected in those around them.
6) Because it will make other aspects of your life better: I tell my clients all the time: "Physical strength begets mental fortitude." What I mean is that when you feel empowered physically, whether it's though exercise or taking control of your nutrition or both, the effects make like waves and cover everything in their vicinity. In other words, physical strength can make you feel ready to take on other challenges that may not be related to exercise or nutrition at all. Physical strength has a ripple effect, and I can attest to its power! This blog is a result of empowerment through physical movement. The stronger I got, the more mentally capable I felt, and the less intimidating writing and sharing my feelings in public felt. And the more I did, the more I felt I could do. And on and on and on. Being a strong woman physically has made me a stronger woman mentally. I feel smarter, more efficient, more grateful, less anxious, and my personal relationships are stronger than ever.
7) Because you got a bad or mediocre report from your last physical/you're so scared of what the doctor will say that you haven't been in years: Fear is an effective motivator, but it can also be debilitating. I've definitely been there: when I struggled with hypertension, I would develop acute anxiety weeks before my annual physicals. I was afraid that the doctor would have to increase the dosage on my medications, or I'd have to go on a strict, doctor-monitored diet. I even went as far as to cancel and reschedule appointments on occasion so I could have more time to "prepare" for it, i.e. starve myself down so the number on the scale wouldn't be as damning. Terrible, not to mention dangerous, right?!? Don't let this be you! Most personal trainers require written approval from a prospective client's doctor before training them. Consider this appointment with the doc a stepping stone to a better, healthier life. Whatever you discover at your physical--hypertension, diabetes, joint inflammation, etc--there are trainers out there with advanced certifications who specialize in treating special populations. More likely than not, your doctor will be thrilled to recommend you for physical activity, even with diagnosed conditions like the ones I mention.
8) Because you deserve it & you're worth it: I cannot stress this reason enough, nor can I stress more fervently the fact that if you don't believe these two things, you'll more likely than not fail at your efforts. This goes back to the discussion about priorities and how it's not selfish or self-indulgent--in the bad sense of the phrase--to put your health first. You cannot sustain the motivation needed to make a lasting change in your lifestyle if your mindset doesn't shift, as well. Everyone and anyone deserves to prioritize their health, and everyone and anyone is worth the effort it takes to do so. Those who try to convince you otherwise may feel threatened or fearful that they might lose you in someway to this new adventure you're embarking on. What they don't realize is that you are making these changes for yourself so you can be your best in all other aspects of your life, including your relationships.
9) Because you don't have to do it alone: Hire a coach. Join a gym. Find a gym buddy. Sign up for and join a group of likeminded folks who are also interested in becoming healthier. There will never be a dearth of people eager to help you; you just have to reach out and ask. People cannot read your mind; part of understanding your worth and that you deserve to be healthy means shifting your mindset from one of "Everyone's too busy to help me and too important, too" to "I am ready to make a positive change in my life, but I know I need support. People want to help me as much as I want to help myself."
10) Because it's never too late: There is no such thing as being too far gone in terms of your health/fitness level/weight, so banish that thought from your mind! If you're very overweight or very de-conditioned, if may take you longer to reach your goals than someone with less weight to lose, but you will get there. There will be ups and downs and successes and setbacks and frustrations and breakthroughs: the key is consistency. There are no gimmicks that are going to get you lasting results, but hard work and consistency will.
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