Thursday, May 8, 2014

#TBT, a rather unflattering photo of yours truly, and some inspiring words!

Happy Thursday, everyone! I can tell it's going to be a great day ;-) I won't be recommending a website today, but I will share a bit about my personal journey and from where I've come to be where I am today. Not every fitness professional was born with a six-pack and the willpower to resist junk food, just so you know :-)

If you're active on Instagram, Twitter, and/or Facebook, you know how ubiquitous the use of hashtags is. One uber-popular one is #TBT, which stands for Throw Back Thursday. Millions of photos have been posted with #TBT, creating a virtual, universal scrapbook of sorts. This morning, I used #TBT for the first time along with a photo of me from about 5.5 years ago. It's the picture on my work ID card, and needless to say, I've changed A LOT!

Most of the time it's hard for me to recognize my accomplishments and the progress I've made because it's been very gradual. I never had that "a-ha" moment where my mindset shifted and I suddenly knew what I had to do to get healthier and lose weight. However, that's the beauty of it, when you really think about it: my journey is and has been my own. I can get frustrated all I want when I can't perfect my kettlebell clean or squat my bodyweight, but in the grand scheme of things, just look at what I've accomplished! It's pretty extraordinary!

That, folks, is what I encourage you to do. Don't dwell on your shortcomings, revel in your successes. They are numerous, without a doubt. Use that energy to propel you forward, ahead, long as you are moving steadily forward, you are making gains and getting better everyday. Enjoy the process.

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