Hi friends!
Happy Weekend! Wherever you are, I hope you're enjoying yourself and maybe even treating yourself to a little pampering. I, for one, have spent most of the afternoon packing, organizing, throwing out, and sorting through things in preparation for my big move at the end of the month. I will finally (FINALLY!) be moving into my own place. I am beyond excited! For the first time in my life, I'll be able to take advantage of the joys of walking around in my undies, hanging whatever I want on the walls, and I won't have to share anything that's in the fridge! I feel very blessed to have found such a great place, and I can't wait to start moving in and making it feel like a home. Thank you, universe!
On a fitness note, I've recently started training for my second half marathon. Two great friends and I will be running in the D.C. Rock 'n' Roll Half in mid-March, and we're all pumped. Since this is my second race of this distance, I don't feel the kind of pressure or fear that I had going into my first race. I like the idea of running along with friends, and really soaking in the experience as opposed to trying to hit a P.R. So needless to say, I've been finding it hard to fit all the training into my schedule, and I find that other things are migrating higher on the priority list than my several weekly runs and cross training sessions. Oops :)
It's kind of like I have a devil and an angel on either shoulder: the devil's telling me, "heck! you've already run a half, you're in great shape, and you can totally pull it out on race day", while the angel is saying "Hilary! It's time to buckle down and get serious. Get up early if you have to in order to fit those runs in. Let's move!" I think both little aspects of my psyche have a point, and the reason I've found myself justifying a skipped run or switching around my training days is because I believe that my fitness foundation is solid. I feel like I can call on my body to really perform for me when I need it to most, and that's such a cool feeling.
The main reason why I've come to view my fitness this way is because of my love of strength training. And I wouldn't be anywhere near as appreciative of strength training if it weren't for one of my biggest fitness idol, this inimitable Dr. Jordan Metzl. I've gushed about Dr. M before, but my love for him has grown in recent weeks because I finally made it into one of his Ironstrength classes at Equinox in the City. Some may say I'm a glutton for punishment for jumping up and down about securing a spot for one of the hardest workouts known to man, but they're coveted! Dr. M knows his stuff, and his method really helps to prevent some of those really painful and at times debilitating injuries that can sideline runners--even the more recreational runners among us ;)
If you're a runner who's injury-prone, of if you're just interested in improving your overall athleticism, I totally recommend checking out Dr. M's book, The Athelete's Book of Home Remedies. I would also totally encourage you to implement some of the Doc's conditioning exercises into your current routine. Check out his Facebook page for some great tips and articles to sculpt a "leaner, fitter, more athletic body" (courtesy of Dr. M's book).
Happy sweating!
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