Thursday, February 21, 2013

Pull up and park at relaxation station

Hey folks!

Hope you're enjoying the week thus far! So glad that tomorrow's Friday, woot woot! I can barely contain my excitement that it's Oscar weekend. Even though I haven't seen all the major films, I'm still looking forward to the red carpet and some easily imitable, overly-dramatic acceptance speeches. I mean, come on!!! Those stars are practically BEGGING to be mocked, LOL!

Anyway, it doesn't even feel like tomorrow's Friday because I've been off in vacationland...sort of. Well, I was in Maine which is nicknamed Vacationland, but it wasn't so much a vacation as a trip to my parents' house to be supportive after the recent death of my grandmother. I spent last weekend and most of this week with them which was incredibly restorative emotionally, physically and spiritually. I can only hope that my presence eased the burden of grief a little and provided some much-needed distraction for my lovely parents. We'll miss you, Gran, and we love you.

Upon landing in New York this afternoon, bracing myself for the return to crazy/wild/amazing/tragic/entertaining/spellbinding City life, I had a moment of feeling true gratitude. Gratitude for life and all its blessings and sadnesses, but also gratitude for the opportunity to make like a battery and recharge. It sounds a little funny, but it's true. I am very grateful to be able to travel back to the house I grew up in where my parents still live, and feel cocooned in love. Not only does the scenery reflect the polar opposite of big-City life, but the sanctuary that I find inside my old home is like no other. The peace that I encounter in that home, surrounded by some of the most special people in the world to me, allows me to reach levels of relaxation that I could never replicate in NYC!

So, what does that mean for me as a self-proclaimed City girl?! Can true relaxation exist in a City where everyone is always on the go, always late for some very important date? Thankfully, I don't really believe that I'll have to hop on a plane or a bus every time I feel the need to unwind. I think that relaxation and the ability to feel grounded and content in any particular place comes from within, and therefore can be summoned anywhere, anytime. It may be more difficult to reach the levels of relaxation that we can when we're in our childhood home, but don't think for one minute it's impossible!

So, what do I do to relax and recharge in the midst of busy work week? Or should I ask, what you YOU, dear readers, do to relax when your physical environment may not lend itself to relaxation? Stay tuned for a post about what I do to unwind.

Until then, keep calm and stay strong all along, dear readers!

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