Saturday, February 23, 2013

"Serenity Now!"

Happy Saturday!

What's on everyone's agenda for today?! I, for one, just finished my longest training run for the half marathon I'm running with a couple of my best girlfriends from college! The race is three weeks from today (!) and today's distance was a miserable 10 miles. Ick. And it certainly didn't help that it was on-and-off sprinkling/raining the entire time. By mile 4, my shoes were completely water-logged! But, I did complete the distance, so I have to give myself a big 'ole pat on the back despite Mother Nature's unpleasantries. Also, now that the most difficult chore of the day is behind me, I have the rest of the day to catch up on a few housekeeping tasks and take a little time for myself. The highlight of the day, however, will be Cuban food and a blues show.

So, while many of us tend to pack our weekends full of fun activities, there's definitely a lot to be said for the occasion do-nothing, lounge-around-in-your-pajamas kind of weekend. They're definitely good for the soul, but are usually few and far between. What kinds of things can we easily fit into our regular schedules that permit us a moment of serenity, a little break from the regular hustle and bustle of our daily lives? I've thought long and hard about this, and here's my little list. Please let me know what you think:

1) Yoga--kind of a no-brainer, right? Yoga combines mindful bodily movement with meditation and, speaking from first-hand experience, works wonders to calm my restless mind! I have done yoga on and off, but not regularly, for a few years now, but I didn't start practicing with any true intention until about a year and half ago when my colleagues and I inaugurated "Friday Office Yoga." Every Friday at 4 p.m., we gather to harness our collective chi and release the stress from the preceding week. It's a great way for us to bond, and reminds us that we need to take good care of ourselves to enable us to do the best job we can for our clients.

What I look like when I'm getting my Zen on during office yoga...NOT (Source)
2) Talk on the phone with family and friends--I'm not a big phone-talker, but it never ceases to amaze me how relaxing it is to connect with friends and loved ones across the distance, be it near or far. These conversations are food for the soul, and it's always nice to remind someone how much you love them by taking a quick moment to call them and say hello.

3) Chill out with a good book--I love to read: contemporary fiction, non-fiction, historical fiction, true crime, you name it: I'll read it! In this day and age, we're all feeling the pressure to be connected and in the loop, but curling up with a good book--even if it's on a Kindle or other device!--can really help bring us back down to earth. It's the simple pleasures in life, right!!?

4) Do something cultural--go see that museum exhibit you've been claiming you have no time for; go to a concert; go hear an author read from his or her latest best seller; browse a book store and get lost in the aisles for an hour or two; do a walking tour of your city, even if you think you know it like the back of your hand; the list goes on! I think you'll be surprised by the fun you'll have if you just take a little time to appreciate the expanse of cultural opportunities out there for those curious enough to explore them!

5) My final tip: PLAN AHEAD--for everything! I think the old adage is true: If you fail to plan, you're planning to fail. You can apply this strategy to every facet of you life, from your diet and exercise plan to your next big-ticket item purchase. Planning ahead will save you tons of anxiety and stress later on, and will in fact promote a sense of calm and centeredness even in the midst of temptation or difficulty. Although I don't always take my own advice, this is definitely a tip that I am going to put into practice!

Have a great weekend!

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