Sunday, March 3, 2013

Turning lemons into lemonade!

I don't know about you all, but I've just had one of those weeks. I had a lot of ups and downs.

I did a little crying (which I never do), I had some bouts of self-doubt (which are more frequent than they should be), I took a few steps back, but I also took a few important steps forward. It's been a tough week, but it's ultimately been a rewarding one. I'm really trying to see the silver lining in all situations these days, and I believe that positivity is a state of mind that you have to cultivate. Like any traditional twelve step program: it works if you work it.

I think one of the best ways to become a more positive thinker is to see the beauty in the moments that make up our everyday lives. I was reminded of this the other say while listening to a TedTalk by filmmaker/director Cesar Kuriyama. Kuriyama shoots one second of video every day to in essence pay homage to all the quotidian, stunning, tragic and funny moments that make up our every lives. He started doing this is because he found himself forgetting things that had happened to him in life, and he wanted to find a way to capture a memory in a manageable, replicable way. He says in the talk that he found that even a 1-second clip of a moment in time would trigger a memory, transporting him back in time. He describes this visual history project as a feasible form of time travel, which I think is so neat.

Watching this video inspired me, so I've made it a goal to take more pictures. While I knew that I couldn't commit to taking videos everyday, a snapshot seemed totally doable. I'll definitely keep you guys updated on how my little photo project goes, and I'll share some pics on the blog, too! In the mean time, check out this awesome TedTalk.

Here's hoping you get inspired, too!

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