Hi friends! It's a relentlessly
dreary day here in NYC, so I can only hope that wherever you are, the weather
is a little less temperamental!
In some ways, actually, the weather
is a good metaphor for the way I've been feeling lately. I blogged about it last
week, but the truth is, I've been going through an emotionally-dreary period
for the past several weeks. It's almost as if a storm cloud moved in over my
head, blocked out the sun, and made it extremely difficult to ignore the
negative feelings that are usually easily banished or at least ignored. As it
turned out, the capacity for self preservation that allows me to put the
negativity on the shelf inevitably backfired, leaving me to contend with some
difficult feelings that I'm still learning to sift through and manage with the
proper coping skills. I'm sure we've all been there, which is why I wanted to
share with you.
But...I can't help but think: when is
enough, enough? When caution and the instinct for self preservation get in the
way of having healthy relationships, and when that nagging voice inside that
tells you that you can't do something gets so loud that it drowns out your
cheer squad, it's enough. After all, when you put aside your feelings of
unworthiness and go after your goals, there will be plenty of people who'll
have something to say about it--maybe even a criticism or two. If you're not
even in your own corner, how can you expect someone else to be?
I've learned a lot in the past week.
I'm thankful for these lessons and for the hard truths they've made me face.
I'm stronger, I'm smarter, and I'm certainly looking forward not back.
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