Saturday, November 2, 2013

Happy November and some exciting fitness-related news!

Happy Saturday, everyone! I hope you're enjoying this unseasonably warm weather as much as I am! Gotta soak up that vitamin D before Daylight Savings Time ends and it's darker, earlier :-( I love the extra hour of sleep, but could do without the shorter days. Who's with me?!

I've had a lot going on the last week or so. There are LOTS of exciting things on the horizon, for example:

-I went to this great strength and conditioning class the other weekend and later met up with the instructor, Kado, a coach and NASM certified personal trainer, a few days later to chat. I told her that I'm interested in getting certified through NASM, which she could not recommend more highly, and about her current job as a coach at BODY SPACE FITNESS. We chatted about my professional goals and she was gracious enough to invite me to observe some of BSF's semi-private training sessions, and even help out with program design! The plan is to volunteer for a few hours a week in exchange for observation hours and access to professionals who are doing what I hope to do in the near future! I couldn't be more excited. AND, I think you should check this place out if you live in NYC. The space is totally unique, full of ALL the enviable equipment I covet and wish my current gym had, and the trainers are all friendly and super-knowledgable.

-I was so inspired by my meeting with Kado that I took the plunge and signed up for a NASM-CPT online course! I got my textbook and backpack in the mail today. I'm stylin' now :-)

Even though these new adventures add a lot to my already-full plate, I'm so excited about what's in store. Sometimes I stop and think to myself, "You've come a long way, baby," and it's true: I would have thought you were crazy if you'd told me a year ago that I'd be on my way to being certified as a personal trainer. This experience so far has just solidified my belief that taking action in pursuit of your goals is the most empowering feeling in the world. Visualize what you want, make plans, take steps (be they small or large), and keep striving ahead. You WILL get there. It doesn't matter how long it takes, since we experience the most growth on the journey, anyway ;-)

I believe in you!!! xo, Hil

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