Sunday, October 25, 2015

My Encounter With a Card-Carrying, Men's Rights a CrossFit Gym ;-)

As a white woman, I rarely face discrimination. I frequently encounter sexism, however, but a combination of the two? It's rare, if not non-existent...before yesterday morning, I can't recall a single occasion.

While in the gym prepping to coach my bootcamp, an older, white gentleman came in the door. He asked for the yoga instructor and I reminded him that she teaches on Sunday mornings, not Saturdays. He continued to engage me in conversation about fitness and recent workout he witnessed where the class was running around the block with med balls...don't ask :-)

Anyway, this man proceeded to reach over and touch my bicep, as if to measure it with his two fingers. He looked impressed, and I was expecting him to congratulate me or say something positive. Instead, I got an earful about how he does not agree with women looking like I do. But that wasn't all: he pontificated that God created men to have broad shoulders and narrow waists, and women to have narrow shoulder and broad hips. When that symmetry is reversed, it's against His will. He explained that all "this intense exercise" that women are now doing is the cause of a plethora of societal ills and attributes it to the rising incidence of Caesarean births, among various other preventable health problems. He drew a rather broad stroke, essentially drawing a link between women who dare to buck the tide and...the problems in Ferguson?! Yes, ladies and gentleman, this gentleman argued that what's going on with communities of color is a result of women not following some pre-ordained, submissive path! Don't even get me started on what he claims about single mothers and how they're single-handedly ruining society! I could tell that believed every word that he said, without a stroke of irony, and spoke as though it was the most natural thing in the world for him to give his opinion despite how offensive his comments were. It never seemed to occur to him how inappropriate his comments were, and how they were certain to fall on deaf ears, given the fact that we were conversing in a CrossFit gym! 

Anyhoo, I held my tongue. I was fuming, but I kept it cool and told him that we would have to agree to disagree. He agreed, but continued to share his unsolicited opinion. The whole time this was happening, I couldn't help but feel like I was suspended above, watching this interaction take place because it was so surreal. This man actually believes that the way I look is an abomination. Before that moment, it never occurred to me that I am making a political statement with my body, or that I am a walking billboard for something that certain people wouldn't think twice about protesting. 

This realization was a game-changer.

Prior to this encounter, my choice to look like I lift heavy weights was a personal one. Now I realize that it's actually bigger than me. I now recognize that I've been bestowed a certain responsibility to go forth and, in the best and most authentic way that I can, live the truth that I've discovered: strength training for women is a vehicle to uncovering your unique power. The world will be a much kinder, more beautiful, and less judgmental place once women embrace their inner and outer strength. Ahhh, I've got goosebumps!!!!

Please, please, PLEASE, leave a comment below and tell me how strength training has enhanced your life. I want to hear all about it so that together we can shift the conversation in a direction that encourages all women--and the men who love them--to uncover the power that strength training makes manifest. 


  1. I feel sorry for the type of man that you encountered. Pity for the fear they feel is usually the best lens from which to take their warped perspective (kind of like a scared child telling you about the monster under their bed) They're smart (aware, is probably a better word) enough to realize that their way of thinking, while prevalent hundreds of years ago is dying/dead, they are too stupid or set in their ways to enact positive change or contribute something healthy and positive to our present society as a whole. Hence, they come up with their special little clubs, that make them feel like special little men. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic.

  2. What exactly did anything he said have to do with the men's rights movement?



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