Monday, May 26, 2014

A Site a Day in the Month of May:

Happy Memorial Day, lovelies! As always, THANK YOU to our men and women in uniform who perform innumerable acts of heroism daily, many of which are never acknowledged. Know that you, and your sacrifice, are deeply appreciated.

In addition to honoring those who've made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedoms that we hold dear, I hope that you spent your day surrounded by those you love, and who love you. I hope that you enjoyed the outdoors, ate something delicious, and got in a sweat session :-) And even if you did none of the above, I hope you enjoyed the long weekend!!! The rest of the week is going to fly by!

Now that the weekend's mostly over, I'm left trying to get my brain out of "mini-vacation" mode and come up with a really good site to recommend to you all. On weekends like these, I find that I have the tendency to let my mind shift into lazy mode, and it's that much harder to adjust once duty calls and it's back to the grind. What's funny is that I never really drop the ball in terms of training my physical body, even on "mini-vacation," but I certainly do fail to train the mind. With so much research pointing to the connection between the mind and the body when it comes to successful weight loss, improving self-esteem, etc., training the mind should be a top priority for us all.

Hence the reason I recommend, or National Public Radio's awesome site. Log on to hear countless radio broadcasts, both pre-recorded and live, featuring some of the brightest and most influential minds out there. Browse through news by topic; read up on art & culture; or get a book recommendation. Did I mention that I've discovered from amazing musical artists through, too?! has been around for years, but it's continued existence as a cornerstone of American culture is being threatened all the time. So do yourself and the generations ahead a favor and donate to this great organization if you can. Now go out there and flex that brain (and biceps, too :-))

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